Bee-hive for your home garden or lifestyle block
If you're thinking of leasing bees for your garden this Spring/Summer, we place new hives between August and the end of November, so bees have time to pollinate your fruit trees and take full advantage of the honey flow, which occurs (generally) from November to January.
Honeybees have quite a specific period of seasonal production and this is also influenced by the queen's maturity. A newly mated young queen needs at least 2 months of egg-laying to begin development of enough bees to populate her new hive. The more bees, the more time, the more mature foraging workers she'll have, to bring in lots of honey!
Annual fee for 1 Standard Hive: $402.50
The Urban Bee team will do regular hive checks, depending on time of year - approximately every 6 weeks, 3-4 weeks in the Spring / Summer Honey Flow Period.
Both Matthew and Catherine are Approved Beekeepers with AsureQuality Limited and have their DECA (Disease Elimination Conformity Agreement), certifying them to check any hives and recognise diseases.
Your Bee Hive Lease includes:
- Hive health inspections, for Varroa mite, and disease e.g. American Foulbrood, a highly infectious and fatal bacterial disease.
- Keeping your hive healthy.
- Additional boxes as hive progresses into summer production.
- Honey removal for processing.
- Wintering down; health check, varroa control and managing the colony so it survives the winter months in good health.
- Feeding your hive during colder periods when there is less nectar.
- Your hive and pay your NZ biosecurity AsureQuality hive levies. We'll help you do your hive registration.
Decorative lid, Cedar shingles: $115
All prices include gst.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone: 021 288 2606 for more information or to let us know when you would like to start this exciting adventure.